There is no reason to expect any anthology such as the Bible to be consistent. Especially when texts are drawn from many sources, from different nations and over a very long period of time.
What is rarely if never admitted is that the cultural frame of any group evolves and then changes accrue often due to importing foreign ideas which have a greater status value. The evidence for this is seen in the earliest periods when humans talked with the gods even arguing with them. (as shown in plays and poems from the Bronze age and Classical period as well as Genesis) Later, borrowed from their overlords, the Israelites introduce henotheism, the idea that one god be worshipped above others. This was a shift to slay polytheism, hence the rants "against all other gods" in the Bible. Monotheism is not truly a Biblical theme!
The Bible is a mish mash of cultural echoes borrowing literary ideas from all and sundry in the Near East. The Bible, of eclectic origins, was elevated and made holy for political reasons that meant for the control of people.